Help those in need with a shirt or coffee

In Guatemala people are suffering from hunger because of Covid-19. They are not able to earn money and so the only thing they can do is hanging a white flag at there doors to show others that they need help and food.

My sister and her husband try to help.
They founded White Flag Coffee, a coffee blend and a brand to collect money for those in need. 100% of the profit goes to organizations that distribute food, medical products, hygienic products and everything else, the people need. The homepage will start today to inform you about the project.
Additionally, we set up an online shop, with merchandise to collect even more money for the people. We will upload even more designs for the products, so stay tuned!
The Coffee will be available soon at different roasters. Look at their homepage to learn more.
So helping will be easy, wear a shirt or drink coffee to change or to save somebody’s life!
Drink coffee, save a life!                                                                Wear a shirt, save a life!

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